Tuesday, December 29, 2009


苏打绿 - 他夏了夏天

词:吴青峰 曲:吴青峰

几点钟 结束梦 他按下闹钟
如往常 开始了一天生活
忙工作 忙收获 早餐吃什麼
他和他 维持齿轮的脉搏

富有和贫穷 卑微和伟大相同

几点钟 也许是 月出的时候
如往常 结束了一天工作
他心中 幻想著 晚餐吃什麼
家里的 让他不怕往前冲

平凡或特别 笨拙或聪明相同

平凡或特别 笨拙或聪明相同

清淡与浓烈 好与坏他都尝过

Sunday, December 20, 2009


receiving a honour or gift which you do not deserved to... how would you feel? Lucky? Blessed? Excited? Wat if this honour had been a responsibility? i should be thankful for this undeserved gift, but somehow it had been a burden for me... leading a bunch of people in a field which they are much better than u, a bunch of people with great pride for their great knowledge and ability... who am i to lead them? or even inspire them?
Joshua, heir of Moses, the great prophet, was chosen by God to lead the Israelites after the death of Moses. Moses was a charismatic leader with great abilities, making lots and lots of miracles, leading the israelites to escape from Egypt... Extraordinary power and natural ability of Moses to inspire others keep the israelites to follow him. Joshua, in the other hand was much an ordinary human. his ability and charisma were far dimmed compared to Moses, even some of the Israelites showed better caliber... But he had succeed to lead and unite the 12 tribes of israelites, which were consists of great army, warrior, priest and scholar, to win over great enemies...
With strong armies, the tribes of israelites didn't have any reasons to bow under a ordinary person like Joshua... But why are they willing to be followers of Joshua?
This is because, they follow not because of the charisma of the leader they are following, neither Moses nor Joshua, But they follow since God is with the leader, as they see the leader can lead them to the rite way as god wished..
May god be with me as he is with joshua, may god let me be a inspiring leader that let people see the right way, as they would follow the way...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

每个人都会 - 方大同

每个人都会 - 方大同


人间的青草地 需要浇水
内心的花园 就不会枯萎

甚麼比 love love love love love 更美
爱让人安心在梦中 熟睡
啊 love love love love love 最美


人间的青草地 需要浇水
内心的花园 就不会枯萎
把最甜最好的滋味 散播到东南西北

甚麼比 love love love love love 更美
爱让人安心在梦中 熟睡
啊 love love love love love 最美

爱肯付出的汗水 爱小王子的蔷薇
爱所有青山绿水 爱所有难忘约会

只有 love love love love love 最美
甚麼比 love love love love love 更美
美在只要有心都会 学会
不用甚麼智慧 只要用心体会

Thursday, December 3, 2009


No… that feeling is rearising in my mind again, i hate this feeling.. a feeling that I fear the most, a feeling that once had been disturbing me for a long time, a feeling that I thought I had been totally free from it… it’s a feeling of extremely low self esteemed, that myself have nothing good compare to others, that I am living in this world as a useless person, living without any contribution… a feeling that my existence is insignificant, which no one would appreciate, which is meant to be ignored.. Maybe they would even live better without me… Maybe someday I suddenly disappear from this world, or die in a remote place, no one would notice as well, or even if they notice, it wouldn’t affect them…
I won’t go for suicide… but I don’t know why such feeling suddenly recurrent in my mind. Believe me, none of you will have bigger fear towards it than me, and I want to get rid of it more than anyone else…
Why would it come back and bug me? Ya… recently, my life sucks… bad news and failures are appearing one by one… well, not recently, my life always sucks… but, once, not long ago, I had been so motivated, having a lot of confidence, that I had a good life, for no reason… now, I miss that well being feeling… Maybe human’s memory would selectively keep those good memories, dumping the bad ones, lead to my paradoxical well being feeling… I had been holding on to my belief strongly, making others as nonsense and foolish… I had been following my own standards, instead of following others, since I had seen inaccuracy and bias in their standards. But now, my stands are shaking, is it too arrogant for me to set my own standards? Or I was setting my own standards, so that it would mask my failure in standards of others… Am I fooling myself?
Maybe i had this feeling because i am too free during the holiday.. haha. Well, maybe I really had nothing to be proud of…

Saturday, November 14, 2009


真的越来越不了解自己。。。 自以为很清高,不食人间烟火,不顾他人说的,不同流合污,不人云亦云,也能坚持到底,其实,只是还未经考验,不过如此; 自以为男儿志在四方,很志高远大,其实是在做白日梦,空有奇想,纸上谈兵,其实都在混日子; 自以为这样叫脚踏实地,其实是缩头缩尾,墨守成规; 自以为是情痴,会一直放不下,其实早就忘了;以为看的很透彻,其实是自以为是;自以为很合群,其实很自我;自以为交游广阔,其实都是点头之交。。。

Sunday, October 4, 2009

If we love one another...

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another, By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:34-35)

If we could love one another, there could be no war and argument, there could be no pain and suffering.
If we could love one another, how good and beautiful could the world be!!!

Love your family, as they are the closest ones to you, as they are the reasons you lived on the earth.

love your loved ones, as they are a part of you, as they are walking you through your whole life, as they are loving you as much as you do.

love your friends, as they had brought happiness to you, as they had walked you through the lonely night, as they had aided you in your hard times.

love your teachers, as they are the ones who filled you with knowledge and wisdom, as they had lead you to the right way, as they had not been letting you to live with foolishness.

love those in pain or suffering, as they needed it more than anyone else, as your love could have strengthen them to get over whatever they are facing.

love the needies and poors, as they had nothing, as your love could fill their emptiness and lacks.

love those strangers who walked pass you, as they are human beings like you and me, as your love could bring colours to their life.

love the ones you hate, as they had been a heavy stone in your heart, as your love have been the only cure for this stress.

love your enemies, as vengeance doesn't have an end but love, as love could bring enemies to friend.

love one another, sounds simple yet difficult, but how beautiful if this world could be a place spilling with love...

Saturday, September 26, 2009


或许你会发现,他们比情人还死心塌地。。。 这就是朋友。

Sunday, August 23, 2009


妈,我回来了。。。进入那道久别又熟悉的家门,感受家里的温暖是何等美妙的。那张苍老的脸,经过岁月的撒野,又被划了几道皱纹,望着我向我微笑,更加明显了。。。 我怎么现在才发觉呢?




Monday, April 13, 2009

GAY... again...

This shit topic can be annoying, but also interesting, depending on which position are you standing on. Well, it is quite interesting and entertaining to discuss this thing from the perception of a third person, especially when it is about friends who are close to you. Anyway, it is not a good deed to stab others from the back...
Different people always have different thought towards this topic, but from what had i seen, their opinions can be classified into two extremities. The first was those totally disagree with it, and even being discriminative to it. well, i admit, seeing two guys holding hands shopping together is disgusting enough, what would be my response if they hug or kiss? vomiting? Probably... But some people disagree too much which deviates from what should really hate. Long long time ago, a woman who committed adultery can be sentenced to death, killed by stones thrown by villagers without any mercy, as they had no heart, as they are so noble and innocent, as the woman had polluted the society, brought shame to them, and a human life meant nothing compared to their bullshit nobility... You might had seen this in some classical movies, and had laugh or criticise how uncivilised or barbarian the society in those years... but somehow their mind was no other than that... surely nowadays they can't kill gays for intruding the moral... but if they can they would, i believed... the way they discriminate or set those apart, shows that their mind aren't other than those in the old times... what gives you the power to judge or even penalise others? unless you are totally innocent from the time you were born, in fact, no one can be...
Now, here comes the second type people. These people aren't gay, but they don't object homosexuality... For them, sexuality is a choice, and there is no right and wrong with it, it's people's freedom to love a man or a lady. For them, morality in sexuality is nonsense, an old fashioned thought that only old or outdated people would possess... when you mention that homosexuality is wrong, they might accuse you for abusing other's freedom. They also think that homosexuality is the nature or identity of that particular person, which should let it be the way they are... this thought is common nowadays, and it keeps invading more and more people's mind, especially youngsters, those easily influenced by those bent minds.
So, which type of thought do you have? For me, these two are just too extreme. Ya, i hate and i object homosexuality, but what i hate and object are just the homosexual behaviour, not the people who possess this kind of behaviour... a friend who had aids is still my friend, a friend who kill someone is still my friend, same goes to homosexual friends... I am not totally innocent therefore i don't have the power to judge people... Besides, Everyone deserves a chance... On the other hand, i wouldn't see homosexuality as a nature or normal behaviour. Why? because it is not!!! It was a Abnormality or mental sickness among people, which should be corrected with appropriate ways... Will you see sickness as an identity of a person? Will curing a disease vanishes a person nature? Maybe you'll say some were born with homosexuality, and that makes it the identity of the person... Well, doesn't it mean that it is wrong to cure thalasemia? An objection towars homosexuality without discrimination is the correct perception, i think. A friend always said that my thought is totally influenced by christianity. I don care wat he says... But i believed too much thought of this world is deviated, biased... And more and more people are infected... It is true that people should change their mind as time goes on to adapt themselves to the world. But, it shouldn't had deviated from the standard. sometimes, it can be helpless since it is not easy to change a person's thought. i won't take a bible to the front of a person and say "Lord says, this is wrong and....... blah blah blah......" . It will never work. If it does, i had done it long times ago... There are just too much of those i think was wrong, and i am upset with.. But what can i do as a weak and strengthless human being? or maybe my own isn't correct.... sometimes it is hard to hold on to my own standpoint too...